to our KATAG events page! Here you will find all topics related to KATAG AG's events: from the renowned KATAG CEO conference to focussed supplier workshops for our partners. Immerse yourself in the world of our events and find out more about the unique opportunities to share knowledge, strengthen relationships and shape the future of the fashion and lifestyle industry.
KATAG-Cheftagung: The highlight of the year
Das Highlight unseres Eventkalenders ist zweifellos die KATAG-Cheftagung. Diese Zusammenkunft der Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft ist der Höhepunkt unserer jährlichen Veranstaltungen. Hier kommen branchenübergreifend die CEO’s und Top-Entscheider zusammen, um wirtschaftliche Strategien zu diskutieren und Visionen zu teilen. Hier werden die Weichen für den Erfolg der kommenden Jahre gestellt.
KATAG-Markentag: Experience brand diversity
Der KATAG-Markentag ist mehr als nur eine Veranstaltung. Er ist eine in der Modebranche fest etablierte Informations- und Kommunikationsplattform, bei der sich Entscheider aus Handel und Industrie konstruktiv austauschen und Visionen über zukünftige gemeinsame Kooperationen entwickeln können. Neben etablierten Brands präsentieren Newcomer aus den Bereichen Mode, Lifestyle, Gastronomie und digitale Handelslösungen ihre neusten Konzepte.
Our order rounds
At our exclusive order rounds, we regularly present the latest collections of our women's, men's, children's and home textiles to our partners and interested new customers. Our team is available to customers at all times during the order rounds to help you select the perfect products for your range. The dates for our order rounds are communicated to customers either by email or via the KATAG app. For the sake of convenience or for all customers who are unable to visit us in person, we also offer the option of ordering online via the Fashion Cloud app and Quintet24.
Successful collaboration at the KMK supplier workshop
Our KMK supplier workshop is organized in the spirit of cooperation between our suppliers and the KATAG team. This workshop allows us to collectively address topics related to supplier and assortment planning, merchandise and much more that are not only creative but also align with economic realities. The workshop promotes open dialogue, supports knowledge exchange and enables us to stay updated on the latest industry trends. The KMK supplier workshop underscores our commitment to collaborative partnerships and the promotion of mutual success.
ERFA conference: Networking, exchanging, moving forward
At our exclusive order rounds, we regularly present the latest collections of our women's, men's, children's and home textiles to our partners and interested new customers. Our team is available to customers at all times during the order rounds to help you select the perfect products for your range. The dates for our order rounds are communicated to customers either by email or via the KATAG app. For the sake of convenience or for all customers who are unable to visit us in person, we also offer the option of ordering online via the Fashion Cloud app and Quintet24.